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Parent Training Programs

What do our Parent Training Programs involve?

Early intervention involves identifying and providing early support to adolescents and children at risk of poor results.

Effective early intervention attempts to prevent issues from arising or to address them head-on when they do exist before they worsen. It also contributes to the development of a wide range of personal traits and talents that prepare a kid for adulthood.

Our Early Intervention…

  • Is the name given to the services and supports offered to newborns and younger children with developmental issues and impairments, as well as their families?
  • Speech therapy, physical therapy, and other therapies may be provided depending on the child’s and family’s requirements.
  • May have a substantial influence on a child’s capacity to develop new abilities and overcome problems, as well as boost academic and life success.
  • Programs are offered in every territory and state (contact information for each programme is provided below). These government-funded programmes give services for free or at a reduced cost to every kid who qualifies.

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